Tuesday, March 27, 2007

About This Blog

Alice C. Linsley in Gandria, Switzerland 

The host of this blog is Alice C. Linsley. If you teach writing, you are invited to send me some of your students' best pieces and I will consider publishing them here.

Most of the writings at this blog are the work of my students or of students whose writing has been sent to me by writing teachers. Students must agree to publication and, in the case of minors,  parental permission is required before work can be published. Only the student's name and grade are published, no other identifying information.

If you would like to know more about the logistics of publishing your students' work at this site, please contact me at aproeditor@gmail.com

I do not publish any writings that include profanity or erotica. 

The purpose of this blog is to help teachers teach good writing and to publish good student writing. If a piece has been published elsewhere, the publication is cited here.

My writing students learn the craft of writing as if they were going to become professional writers. They learn how to write well, how to research the market, how to write query letters and proposals and how to submit work to potential publishers. A few students have even earned some money for their publications! Each student must have at least 2 publications a semester.

It isn't terribly difficult to help students identify potential publishers for truly good writing. Good writing finds its way into print fairly easily. Then there are writers whose work is not quite at the level that they can find a publisher, but which deserve a public viewing. That's the main purpose of this blog.

I've been writing for publication for over 40 years and have over 1130 publications. My publications include short stories, poems, essays, and scholarly articles. Many articles appear at my other blogs: Just Genesis; Biblical Anthropology; Philosophers' Corner, and Ethics Forum.

In addition to writing for publication, I teach writing to high school students and adults, and run a small editing and translation business.

Writing teachers will find many helpful ideas at this site, so visit often!

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