Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Clown and the Bee

The fifth Spanish story was written by Benjamin Guzicki. It tells of a spectacular circus performance by a clown and an aggressive bee.

Benjamin Guzicki, Grade 9

El Payaso y La Abeja

El circo había llegado al pueblo. En una tienda un payaso se preparaba por the acontecimiento grande. El payaso era muy alto, con pantalones que hacen bolsas. Tenía la nariz roja y grande y el pelo verde. En su cara llevaba el maquillaje blanco.

Habia una multitud grande y todos estaban felices. Al payaso le gusta mucho entretener a la multitud, pero estaba nervioso porque tenía problemas. Aquel día nada pasaba bien.

El payaso entró la tienda grade para luchar con unos leones feroces. El abrió la puerta y oyó los chillidos de la gente. En ese momento una abeja voló hacia el payaso y se introdujo en sus pantalones flojos. La abeja le picó en el pompi y el payaso sorprendido chilló. La gente creyó que era parte del programa y todos se reían.

El payaso gritaba, “¡Ayúdame! ¡Ayúdame!” Pero la multitud no pudo oír. Todos estaban riéndose. La gente pasaba un tiempo divertido, pero al payaso no le gustó estar picado. El corría, saltando y gritando, “Me duele el pompi. ¡Me duele mucho!”

Un hombre vino a ayudarle, pero él tenía miedo de los leones. El payaso se escapó por la jaula de los leones y estaba aliviado que su parte en el programa había terminado. Pero el pompi se dolería por un largo rato a causa de estar hinchado.

A la gente le gustó mucho el espectáculo. Era muy fascinante, especialmente el payaso cómico. Todos salieron contentos de la tienda grande.


The Clown and the Bee

The circus had arrived in town. In a tent a clown was preparing himself for the big event. The clown was very tall, with baggy pants. He had a big red nose and green hair. On his face he wore white makeup.

There was a big crowd and everyone was happy. The clown liked to entertain the crowd, but he was nervous because he was having problems. That day nothing was going well.

The clown entered the big tent to wrestle with some fierce lions. He opened the door and heard the screams of the people. At that moment, a bee flew toward the clown and went into his loose pants. The bee stung him on the backside and the surprised clown screamed. The people thought it was part of the program and everyone was laughing.

The clown shouted, "Help me! Help me!" But the crowd couldn't hear. Everyone was laughing. The people were having a fun time, but the clown didn't like to be stung. He ran, jumping and shouting, "My backside hurts. It hurts me a lot!"

A man came to help him, but he was afraid of the lions. The clown escaped through the lion cage and he was relieved that his part of the show had ended. But his backside would ache for a long while because it was swollen.

The people really liked the show. It was fascinating, especially the comical clown. Everyone left the big tent happy.

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

Benjamin, I enjoyed reading your story. It is unique and it made me smile.