Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Conductor's Obsession

The third Spanish short story was written by Kelsie Doss. This story is about a veteran train conductor who, due to a recent train wreck, has an emotional obstacle to overcome.

Kelsie Doss, Grade 9

La Obsesión del Conductor

En la estación del tren, muchos pasajeros están en el andén, esperando la llegada del tren. Cuando el tren llegó, ellos abordaron.

El conductor, Señor Garcia, estuvo listo a comenzar el viaje. El estaba un poco nervioso porque había sido un choque hace dos meses y todavía recordaba lo que pasó cuando el tren chocó.

Su último viaje tuvo lugar en la noche del accidente. La noche estaba muy oscura y lluviosa. Los rieles estuvieron mojados. Señor Garcia miraba la tierra mojada. De repente, habia un ruido espantoso y el tren estremeció. Cuando el tren acercó la curva, comenzó a volcar. Todos los coches saltaron los rieles y cayeron como los dominos. El sonido del accidente le hizo sordo al conductor. Los pasajeros estuvieron asustados y algunos estuvieron malheridos. Afortunadamente, nadie murió. Era un milagro.

Pasaron muchos días en limpiar el lio y el conductor todavía estaba nervioso a causa de la experiencia.

Mientras el tren salió lentamente de la estación, el conductor veía que estaba nublado y venía lluvia. Pero Señor Garcia no era cobarde! El decidió que lo que pasó aquella noche oscura pertence a su pasado. No va a permitir que los recuerdos del accidente le obsesionaron.


The Conductor's Obsession

At the train station many passengers were on the platform awaiting the train's arrival. When the train arrived, they boarded.

The conductor, Mr. Garcia, was ready to begin the trip. He was a little nervious because there had been a crash two months before and he still remembered what happened when the train crashed.

His last trip took place on the night of the accident. The night was very dark and rainy. The tracks were wet. Mr. Garcia was looking at the wet earth. Suddenly, there was a frightening noise and the train shook. When the train approached the curve, it began to overturn. All the cars jumped the rails and fell like dominos. The sound of the accident made the conductor deaf. The passengers were frightened and some were badly injured. Fortunately, no one died. It was a miracle.

It took many days to clean up the mess and the conductor was still nervious because of the experience.

As the train slowly left the station, the conductor saw that it was cloudy and rain was coming, but Mr. Garcia was no coward! He decided that what happened that dark night belongs to his past. He wasn't going to permit memories of the accident to obsess him.


Alice C. Linsley said...

Kelsie, this story is well written in both Spanish and English. I enjoyed reading it very much. Please keep up the good work!

Hopie said...

Dear Alice,

I am in training to teach grammar and writing with Classical Conversations and am giving your blog out to those who have students with writing potential and talent. I am one of your biggest fans!

Love, Hopie

Alice C. Linsley said...

Thanks, Hopie. That's encouraging news.