Thursday, March 13, 2008

The One Year Mark is Fast Approaching!

March 26, 2008 marks the one year anniversary of Students Publish Here! On that day I will publish a letter written by Wendell Berry to my creative writing students, in which he sets out his philosophy of writing. You don't want to miss it! Here are a few lines from that letter:

"By taking up the study of writing now, you are assuming consciously, probably for the first time in your lives, a responsibility for our language."

"The first obligation of a writer is to tell the truth -- or to come as near to telling it as is humanly possible."

"As you learn to judge what you read, you will learn also to judge, and so improve, what you write."

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...

This week I attended a book signing at Midway College. The author was G.L. Gregg, Director of the Mitch McConnell Center for Political Leadership at the University of Kentucky. We found we had a number of things in common. For example, we both consider George Washington to be the greatest American President. We are both involved in character education and training for leadership. We both write fiction and we both think Wendell Berry is the greatest Kentucky writer.

I recommend G.L Gregg's book, The Sporran, which contains Parts I and II of The Remnant Chronicles. Readers can order the book here: