Sunday, March 14, 2010

Three Crosses. Three Mothers

Three Mothers Beneath Three Crosses

On Calvary's hill were three mothers who knelt
Where the fearsome great crosses stood,
And three in their hour of agony felt
They were one in their motherhood.

Two wept for the deeds their first-born had done
And the felon's doomed pathway long trod;
One was calm in a questionless faith in her Son...
For She was the Mother of God!

Forlorn and embittered in awe-stricken grief
One heard her son scoff and deride;
One rejoiced to hear Paradise promised a thief
Who found grace with his God crucified.

Sore ashamed, one fled the grim crosses; but there
Knelt the mother of Dismas to call,
First of all earth's children, in confident prayer
On Mother of ALL!

Mary Adrienne Ervin, Cyril Robert
Mary Immaculate: God's Mother and Mine.
Poughkeepsie, New York: Marist Press, 1946.

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