Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Writing Conferences to Coach Writing


Heather Woodie has a blog where she coaches homeschooled children how to write. Check it out.

Heather explains:

One of the 10 Things That Makes a Great Homeschool Day is the conference we have with our writers. I’m often asked what a writer’s conference looks like, so today I’ll explain Using Writing Conferences to Coach Writers of all ages. It feels out of context to only tell about the conference portion of the process, so I’m including where we start and how we finish out the assignment as well.

My philosophy on teaching writing and language skills from a young age is one of a coaching role. My job is to meet my writers where they are, give them the tools they need and how to use them, and to help them to meet their goals. What is the goal? To be an effective written communicator. That’s what it’s all about.

Read more at blogshewrote.

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