Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Night is a Time to Ponder

Night Pondering

Why do I wait till night to think about the day?
In the silent stillness,
my thoughts swirl like a storm
in my mind.
I think about what I did
and what I could have done better.
Crickets chirp outside my window.
I look outside at the stars,
connect to some mystery…

Why do I wait till night to ponder the day?
I try to predict my actions,
what tomorrow will bring
but I realize I cannot control the future
nor can I change the past.
I must be content with now,
with chirping crickets and starry heaven,
trying to connect to some mystery…

Why do I wait till night to ponder the spent day?
Saying my prayers, I close my eyes and know
I will repeat my ways tomorrow.
I will return to my bed,
hear the crickets chirp
and consider the stars,
trying to connect to some mystery…

Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

--Ethan Seevers (Grade 11)

1 comment:

Alice C. Linsley said...


I am reminded for the psalm where King David speaks of meditating on his bed at night. See Psalm 63:6-8.